How to Use AI for Resume

Most people know that artificial intelligence is making inroads into every aspect of society. This technology is exciting, and the more advanced it becomes, the more tasks it can accomplish for the individuals who know how to use it to their advantage. You can chat with bots on websites or ask this tech for help with a variety of tasks. However, if you’re a jobseeker, you may be focused at the moment on how to use AI for your resume.

how to use ai for resume writing

What this means is that you’ve decided to use one of these tools to either write or rewrite some aspect of your credentials or qualifications that you’re sending to job recruiters or hiring managers. If you’re applying to a position, your resume or CV is of tremendous importance. It’s part of how a business decides whether you have the requisite background that could make you a valuable addition to the company. A good resume can help you get a great position, just look at the recent example of Sonakshi Pandey – an engineer landed jobs at Google and Microsoft with just a 2-page resume.

What Is Meant By AI Resume Writing?

If you’ve got the idea of using AI for resume creation, you’re in good company. It’s becoming common for individuals seeking employment to ask for help from this type of tool. If you decide to improve your chances of getting hired this way, you can use to write ChatGPT by OpenAI and similar tech to:

  • Make yourself sound more impressive
  • Create a version of your background and prior job experience that’s more directly suited to each individual job description
  • Fix any errors or eliminate any unnecessary aspects of your existing resume or CV
  • Format your information if the company you’re trying to impress has strict rules about how they want you to apply

Generative artificial intelligence exists to expound on existing ideas. If you have a stripped down description of what you’ll bring to a company, but you want to generate the best possible version of that description, leave it in the hands of this tech.

For instance, you might want to add industry-specific language to what you’ve already written. You might ask one of these free helpers to create an entirely new version of your existing CV that emphasizes certain aspects of your abilities and moves others into the background.

It’s a mistake to present the same version of yourself to different companies to which you’re applying. You shouldn’t fabricate your skills or talents, but you can create a highly specified description of your credentials with the aid of this sort of generator.

To optimize what you’ve already written with a few industry-specific terms or to emphasize some parts of your background while de-emphasizing others can get you hired. This kind of useful rewriter can easily do that for you.

Advantages of Using AI in Resume Writing

You may not be convinced that you need the best AI for resume writing to compete in a challenging job market. Consider the following, though:

By using this technology, you can save effort
Maybe you’re finding it necessary to apply to dozens or hundreds of jobs if you’re not finding what you’re looking for immediately. You must modify each of the resumes you turn in. This type of language builder can be a valuable weapon in your arsenal.
The name of the game is customization and personalization
Without those things, your resume will sound rote and uninspired. If you’re customizing and personalizing each one you send out, you stand a much better chance of getting past the first round of hiring and progressing to the interview stage.
You must be aware of the format for every ATS (Applicant Tracking System) with which you’re interacting
“In 2019, it was estimated that 75% of job applications were never seen by a human because of ATS, and a 2023 survey found that 98.8% of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS.” The time it takes to tinker with each piece of material you submit pertaining to your qualifications can easily stretch into hours. You’ll save yourself days during an exhausting job search if you learn how to utilize one of these tools. Select Software Review’s data show that “A strong majority (88%) of employers believe they are losing out on highly qualified candidates who are screened out of hiring processes by applicant tracking systems because their resumes aren’t ‘ATS-friendly,’”
You should know about bias in resume screening
It happens when someone’s description of their schooling, former job duties, and other qualifications sounds uninspired. You need to paint the best possible picture of yourself. Sometimes, you won’t have the language skills to do that. Even if you’re the best candidate for the position, you might not be able to build yourself up enough without someone to help polish your description of your best features.

Resume Generator

Impress the employers from the first line!

advantages of using ai to create a resume

Getting artificial intelligence to help you shine up your resume can make it stand out for all the right reasons. With these types of tools, you can go far beyond surface-level improvements like catching typos and syntax errors. You can show the individuals in position to hire you that you’re a well-rounded candidate who’s vastly superior to others who have applied.

How to Use AI to Write a Resume

If you’re ready to use AI to write resume features or to create the entire document, this is probably an exciting time for you. You may have never interacted with this kind of technology, and you’re about to take the first step into a thrilling new world. Maybe you’re not certain how to do it, though. Strictly speaking, there are two types of artificial intelligence you can use in this niche at the moment. They are:

    • Prompt-Based Models: For this type of model, you will normally copy and paste the job description into the framework. From there, the technology modifies the information you gave about your background, skills, and former work experience. You can formulate the best and most persuasive version of yourself that’s the most likely to impress whoever in the company makes the hiring decisions.

use ai for resume

    • Ready-to-Go Templates: The other kind of model that is popular these days is one that starts with a ready-to-go template. These are usually more appropriate for jobs that require a more generalized version of your CV. Some modification will still be necessary, but you can tweak what you already have and leave the bulk of the information intact. You can often crank out of dozens of these per day if you’re casting a wide net in search of gainful employment.

use ai to rewrite resume

Even if you don’t feel you have exceptional tech skills, learning how to utilize these tools is usually relatively easy. They are built to be intuitive, and even someone with only elementary computer skills should be able to master them in very little time. You’ll just follow the instructions on the website, and soon, you should be sending out applications to a wide variety of jobs within your field.

Useful Prompts When Using AI to Write a Resume

If you’re enlisting AI to help with resume creation, you may also be wondering what kind of prompts it makes sense to feed it. That will vary to some degree, depending on your specific niche or industry. In general, though, you should get some mileage from these prompts we came up with and tested on a sample resume:

    • Can you highlight some of my top skills and make them sound as impressive as possible?

ai to improve resume

    • Can you emphasize any aspects of what I’ve already written that demonstrate mastery of skills related to this field?

can ai write my resume

    • For my previous company roles, can you use some dynamic language and highlight some impacts I made or results that I achieved?

create resume with ai

What’s On the Horizon for Using AI for Resume Writing?

As far as AI help with resume creation in the not-too-distant future, the sky really is the limit. Expect future versions of this technology to be able to swiftly analyze job descriptions. Then, it will give you a comprehensive list of keywords that it feels you should use when applying.

You’ll be able to quickly tailor each piece of writing you send out to bosses and hiring managers. The language choices you use, with help from this technology, will increase your chances of getting noticed by both automated applicant tracking systems and human recruiters alike.


AI for resume writing is on the threshold of changing the world. You can try to get hired without using it, but doing so is inefficient and exhausting. In a tough job market, you need every advantage you can get, and it’s undeniable that this kind of helper can shift the odds so they’re securely in your favor. But to land a good job, you should first finish your education, and with that, MyStylus is always ready to help!



  • How to Use AI to Update Resume Features?

    When you learn how to utilize these tools, you can figure out how to order them to optimize the existing features of your resume you have already written. That often means using industry terminology or tweaking existing sentences or paragraphs to make them more in line with job postings.
  • Can AI Make Me a Resume?

    It absolutely can. You can create one from scratch, or you might leverage one of these models to slightly modify the base version of your skill set and educational background that forms the backbone of your CV.
  • How to Use AI to Create a Resume?

    There are two models that you’ll encounter most often in the world today, the kind that’s purely prompt based or the one where you plug information into a ready-to-go template. Either are relatively easy to learn how to use.
  • Are There Best Practices for Using AI to Write Resume Features?

    There are, and they usually involve learning the specifics of how each individual model works. In a more general sense, asking for help with language choices that make your skills or education sound more impressive is usually a logical place to start.
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    This simply means using artificial intelligence tools to help you modify or create an attractive description of yourself that can get you hired. It works by you interacting with one of the existing models and giving it logical prompts.
  • How to Use AI to Improve Resume Features?

    Often, the best way to use this tech is to ask it to modify what you’ve already written so that it’s a better fit for what a particular company is looking for. You might ask it to use more dynamic language or to make an internship sound more impressive.
  • Are AI-Generated Resumes a Smart Idea?

    Many individuals currently looking for work think so. You’re never under any obligation to try any type of technology, but you should know that utilizing this kind of tech is becoming more commonplace with each passing year.